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Environments in projects#

We have up until now specified which Conda packages to install directly on the command line using the conda create and conda install commands. For working in projects this is not the recommended way. Instead, for increased control and reproducibility, it is better to use an environment file (in YAML format) that specifies the packages, versions and channels needed to create the environment for a project.

Throughout these tutorials we will use a case study where we analyze an RNA-seq experiment with the multiresistant bacteria MRSA (see intro). You will now start to make a Conda yml file for this MRSA project. The file will contain a list of the software and versions needed to execute the analysis code.

In this Conda tutorial, all code for the analysis is available in the script This code will download the raw FASTQ-files and subsequently run quality control on these using the FastQC software.

We will start by making a Conda yml-file that contains the required packages to perform these two steps. Later in the course, you will update the Conda yml-file with more packages, as the analysis workflow is expanded.

  • First be sure to be located in the tutorial dedicated folder:
cd ~/training-reproducible-research-area/conda
  • Let's get going! Make a YAML file called environment.yml looking like this, and save it in the current directory:
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- fastqc=0.11.9
- sra-tools=2.11.0
  • Now, make a new Conda environment from the YAML file (note that here the command is conda env create as opposed to conda create that we used above):
conda env create -n project_mrsa -f environment.yml


You can also specify exactly which channel a package should come from inside the environment file, using the channel::package=version syntax.


Instead of the -n flag you can use the -p flag to set the full path to where the Conda environment should be installed. In that way you can contain the Conda environment inside the project directory, which does make sense from a reproducibility perspective, and makes it easier to keep track of what environment belongs to what project. If you don't specify -p the environment will be installed in the default miniconda3/envs/ directory.

  • Activate the environment!

  • Now we can run the code for the MRSA project found in, either by running bash or by opening the file and executing each line in the terminal one by one. Do this!


On some computers we've found that the package sra-tools which is used in the course is not working properly. The error seems to be related to some certificate used to communicate with remote read archives and may affect all environments with sra-tools on the dependency list.

If you run into errors with the program fastq-dump from the sra-tools package try the following:

  1. Remove sra-tools from the relevant environment: conda remove sra-tools
  2. Download the most recent binaries for your operating system from here (example shown for Mac OSX): curl --output sratoolkit.tar.gz
  3. Create a temporary directory for the installation: mkdir tmp_out
  4. Extract the binary files: tar -C tmp_out -zxvf sratoolkit.tar.gz */bin/*
  5. Copy binary files into the conda environment: cp -r tmp_out/*/bin/* $CONDA_PREFIX/bin/
  6. Remove the downloaded files: rm -r sratoolkit.tar.gz tmp_out/

This should download the project FASTQ files and run FastQC on them (as mentioned above).

  • Check your directory contents (ls -Rlh, or in your file browser). It should now have the following structure:
    |- code/
    |   |-
    |- data/
    |   |- raw_internal/
    |       |- SRR935090.fastq.gz
    |       |- SRR935091.fastq.gz
    |       |- SRR935092.fastq.gz
    |- intermediate/
    |   |- fastqc/
    |       |-
    |       |-
    |       |-
    |- results/
    |   |- fastqc/
    |       |- SRR935090_fastqc.html
    |       |- SRR935091_fastqc.html
    |       |- SRR935092_fastqc.html
    |- environment.yml

Note that all that was needed to carry out the analysis and generate these files and results was environment.yml (that we used to create a Conda environment with the required packages) and the analysis code in

Keeping track of dependencies#

Projects can often be quite large and require lots of dependencies; it can feel daunting to try to capture all of that in a single Conda environment, especially when you consider potential incompatibilities that may arise. It can therefore be a good idea to start new projects with an environment file with each package you know that you will need to use, but without specifying exact versions (except for those packages where you know you need a specific version). Conda will then try to get the latest compatible versions of all the specified software, making the start-up and installation part of new projects easier. You can then add the versions that were installed to your environment file afterwards, ensuring future reproducibility.

There is one command that can make this easier: conda env export. This allows you to export a list of the packages you've already installed, including their specific versions, meaning you can easily add them after the fact to your environment file. If you use the --no-builds flag, you'll get a list of the packages minus their OS-specific build specifications, which is more useful for making the environment portable across systems. This way, you can start with an environment file with just the packages you need (without version), allow Conda to solve the dependency tree and install the most up-to-date version possible, and then add the resulting version back in to the environment file using the export command!

Optimising for speed#

One of the greatest strengths of Conda is, unfortunately, also its greatest weakness in its current implementation: the availability of a frankly enormous number of packages and versions. This means that the search space for the dependency hierarchy of any given Conda environment can become equally enormous, leading to a (at times) ridiculous execution time for the dependency solver. It is not uncommon to find yourself waiting for minutes for Conda to solve a dependency hierarchy, sometimes even into the double digits. How can this be circumvented?

Firstly, it is useful to specify as many of the major.minor.patch version numbers as possible when defining your environment: this drastically reduces the search space that Conda needs to go through. This is not always possible, though. For example, we mentioned in the end of the Environments in projects section that you might want to start out new projects without version specifications for most packages, which means that the search space is going to be large. Here is where another software comes into play: Mamba.

The Mamba package manager is built on-top of Conda with some changes and additions that greatly speed up the execution time. First of all, core parts of Mamba are written in C++ instead of Python, like the original Conda. Secondly, it uses a different dependency solver algorithm which is much faster than the one Conda uses. Lastly, it allows for parallel downloading of repository data and package files with multi-threading. All in all, these changes mean that Mamba is (currently) simply a better version of Conda. Hopefully these changes will be incorporated into the Conda core at some point in the future!

So, how do you get Mamba? Funnily enough, the easiest way to install it is (of course) using Conda! Just run conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba, which will install Mamba in your base Conda environment. Mamba works almost exactly the same as Conda, meaning that all you need to do is to stop using conda command and instead use mamba command - simple! Be aware though that in order to use mamba activate and mamba deactivate you first need to run mamba init. So transitioning into using Mamba is actually quite easy - enjoy your shorter execution times!

Quick recap

In this section we've learned:

  • How to define our Conda environment using a YAML-file.
  • How to use conda env create to make a new environment from a YAML-file.
  • How to use conda env export to get a list of installed packages.
  • How to work with Conda in a project-like setting.
  • How to optimise Conda for speed.