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The basics

We're almost ready to start, just one last note on nomenclature. You might have noticed that we sometimes refer to "Docker images" and sometimes to "Docker containers". A container is simply an instance of an image. To use a programming metaphor, if an image is a class, then a container is an instance of that class — a runtime object. You can have an image containing, say, a certain Linux distribution, and then start multiple containers running that same OS.


If you don't have root privileges you have to prepend all Docker commands with sudo.

Downloading containers#

Docker containers typically run Linux, so let's start by downloading an image containing Ubuntu (a popular Linux distribution that is based on only open-source tools) through the command line.

docker pull ubuntu:latest

You will notice that it downloads different layers with weird hashes as names. This represents a very fundamental property of Docker images that we'll get back to in just a little while. The process should end with something along the lines of:

Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest

Let's take a look at our new and growing collection of Docker images:

docker image ls

The Ubuntu image show show up in this list, with something looking like this:

REPOSITORY       TAG              IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
ubuntu           latest           d70eaf7277ea        3 weeks ago         72.9MB

Running containers#

We can now start a container running our image. We can refer to the image either by "REPOSITORY:TAG" ("latest" is the default so we can omit it) or "IMAGE ID". The syntax for docker run is docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]. Let's run the command uname -a to get some info about the operating system. First run on your own system (use systeminfo if you are on Windows):

uname -a

This should print something like this to your command line:

Darwin liv433l.lan 15.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.0: Mon Oct  2 22:20:08 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3248.71.4~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

Seems like I'm running the Darwin version of macOS. Then run it in the Ubuntu Docker container:

docker run ubuntu uname -a

Here I get the following result:

Linux 24d063b5d877 5.4.39-linuxkit #1 SMP Fri May 8 23:03:06 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

And now I'm running on Linux! Try the same thing with whoami.

Running interactively#

So, seems we can execute arbitrary commands on Linux. Seems useful, but maybe a bit limited. We can also get an interactive terminal with the flags -it.

docker run -it ubuntu

This should put at a terminal prompt inside a container running Ubuntu. Your prompt should now look similar to:


Here you can do whatever; install, run, remove stuff. It will still be within the container and never affect your host system. Now exit the container with exit.

Containers inside scripts#

Okay, so Docker lets us work in any OS in a quite convenient way. That would probably be useful on its own, but Docker is much more powerful than that. For example, let's look at the shell part of the index_genome rule in the Snakemake workflow for the MRSA case study:

    bowtie2-build tempfile intermediate/{wildcards.genome_id} > {log}

You may have seen that one can use containers through both Snakemake and Nextflow if you've gone through their tutorial's extra material, but we can also use containers directly inside scripts in a very simple way. Let's imagine we want to run the above command using containers instead. How would that look? It's quite simple, really: first we find a container image that has bowtie2 installed, and then prepend the command with docker run <image>.

First of all we need to download the genome to index though, so run:

mkdir -p $PWD/analysis
cd analysis
curl -o NCTC8325.fa.gz
gunzip -c NCTC8325.fa.gz > tempfile

to download and prepare the input for bowtie2.

Now try running the following Bash code, create an analysis directory:

docker run -v $(pwd)/analysis:/home bowtie2-build /home/tempfile /home/NCTC832

Docker will automatically download the container image and subsequently run the command! Here we're using -v HOST:PATH_INTO_DOCKER to mount the required directory inside the container in order to make the tempfile input available to bowtie2. More on these so-called "Bind mounts" in Section bind mount of this tutorial.

Quick recap

In this section we've learned:

  • How to use docker pull for downloading images from a central registry.
  • How to use docker image ls for getting information about the images we have on our system.
  • How to use docker run for starting a container from an image.
  • How to use the -it flag for running in interactive mode.
  • How to use Docker inside scripts.