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Building a Docker image

In the previous section we downloaded a Docker image of Ubuntu and noticed that it was based on layers, each with a unique hash as id. An image in Docker is based on a number of read-only layers, where each layer contains the differences to the previous layers. If you've done the Git tutorial this might remind you of how a Git commit contains the difference to the previous commit. The great thing about this is that we can start from one base layer, say containing an operating system and some utility programs, and then generate many new images based on this, say 10 different project-specific images.

Docker provides a convenient way to describe how to go from a base image to the image we want by using a "Dockerfile". This is a simple text file containing the instructions for how to generate each layer. Docker images are typically quite large, often several GBs, while Dockerfiles are small and serve as blueprints for the images. It is therefore good practice to have your Dockerfile in your project Git repository, since it allows other users to exactly replicate your project environment.

We will be looking at a Dockerfile called Dockerfile_slim that is located in your containers directory (where you should hopefully be standing already). We will now go through that file and discuss the different steps and what they do. After that we'll build the image and test it out. Lastly, we'll start from that image and make a new one to reproduce the results from the Conda tutorial.

Understanding Dockerfiles#

Here are the first few lines of Dockerfile_slim. Each line in the Dockerfile will typically result in one layer in the resulting image. The format for Dockerfiles is INSTRUCTION arguments. A full specification of the format, together with best practices, can be found here.

FROM ubuntu:16.04

LABEL description = "Minimal image for the NBIS reproducible research course."

Here we use the instructions FROM, LABEL and MAINTAINER. The important one is FROM, which specifies the base image our image should start from. In this case we want it to be Ubuntu 16.04, which is one of the official repositories. There are many roads to Rome when it comes to choosing the best image to start from. Say you want to run RStudio in a Conda environment through a Jupyter notebook. You could then start from one of the rocker images for R, a Miniconda image, or a Jupyter image. Or you just start from one of the low-level official images and set up everything from scratch. LABEL and MAINTAINER is just meta-data that can be used for organizing your various Docker components.

Let's take a look at the next section of the Dockerfile.

# Use bash as shell
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]

# Set workdir
WORKDIR /course

SHELL simply sets which shell to use. WORKDIR determines the directory the container should start in. The next few lines introduce the important RUN instruction, which is used for executing shell commands:

# Install necessary tools
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends bzip2 \
                                               ca-certificates \
                                               curl \
                                               fontconfig \
                                               git \
                                               language-pack-en \
                                               tzdata \
                                               vim \
                                               unzip \
                                               wget \
    && apt-get clean

# Install Miniconda and add to PATH
RUN curl -L -O && \
    bash -bf -p /usr/miniconda3/ && \
    rm && \
    /usr/miniconda3/bin/conda clean -tipsy && \
    ln -s /usr/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/ && \
    echo ". /usr/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc && \
    echo "conda activate base" >> ~/.bashrc

As a general rule, you want each layer in an image to be a "logical unit". For example, if you want to install a program the RUN command should both retrieve the program, install it and perform any necessary clean up. This is due to how layers work and how Docker decides what needs to be rerun between builds. The first command uses Ubuntu's package manager APT to install some packages (similar to how we've previously used Conda). Say that the first command was split into two instead:

# Update apt-get
RUN apt-get update

# Install packages
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends bzip2 \
                                               ca-certificates \
                                               curl \
                                               fontconfig \
                                               git \
                                               language-pack-en \
                                               tzdata \
                                               vim \
                                               unzip \

# Clear the local repository of retrieved package files
RUN apt-get clean

The first command will update the apt-get package lists and the second will install the packages bzip2, ca-certificates, curl, fontconfig, git, language-pack-en, tzdata, vim, unzip and wget. Say that you build this image now, and then in a month's time you realize that you would have liked a French language pack instead of an English. You change to language-pack-fr and rebuild the image. Docker detects that there is no layer with the new list of packages and reruns the second RUN command. However, there is no way for Docker to know that it should also update the apt-get package lists. You therefore risk to end up with old versions of packages and, even worse, the versions would depend on when the previous version of the image was first built.

The next RUN command retrieves and installs Miniconda3. Let's see what would happen if we had that as separate commands instead.

# Download Miniconda3
RUN curl -L -O

# Install it
RUN bash -bf -p /usr/miniconda3/

# Remove the downloaded installation file
RUN rm

# Remove unused packages and caches
RUN /usr/miniconda3/bin/conda clean -tipsy

# Permanently enable the Conda command
RUN ln -s /usr/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/
RUN echo ". /usr/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc

# Add the base environment permanently to PATH
RUN echo "conda activate base" >> ~/.bashrc

Remember that each layer contains the difference compared to the previous layer? What will happen here is that the first command adds the installation file and the second will unpack the file and install the software. The third layer will say "the installation file should no longer exist on the file system". However, the file will still remain in the image since the image is constructed layer-by-layer bottom-up. This results in unnecessarily many layers and bloated images. Line four is cleaning up conda to free up space, and the next two lines are there to make the Conda command available in the shell. The last command adds a code snippet to the bash startup file which automatically activates the Conda base environment in the container.

# Add conda to PATH and set locale
ENV PATH="/usr/miniconda3/bin:${PATH}"

Here we use the new instruction ENV. The first command adds conda to the path, so we can write conda install instead of /usr/miniconda3/bin/conda install. The next two commands set a UTF-8 character encoding so that we can use weird characters (and a bunch of other things).

# Configure Conda channels and install Mamba
RUN conda config --add channels bioconda \
    && conda config --add channels conda-forge \
    && conda config --set channel_priority strict \
    && conda install mamba \
    && mamba clean --all

Here we just configure Conda and install Mamba, for quicker installations of any subsequent Conda packages we might want to do.

# Open port for running Jupyter Notebook

# Start Bash shell by default
CMD /bin/bash

EXPOSE opens up the port 8888, so that we can later run a Jupyter Notebook server on that port. CMD is an interesting instruction. It sets what a container should run when nothing else is specified. It can be used for example for printing some information on how to use the image or, as here, start a shell for the user. If the purpose of your image is to accompany a publication then CMD could be to run the workflow that generates the paper figures from raw data.

TP : Building from Dockerfiles#

Ok, so now we understand how a Dockerfile works. Constructing the image from the Dockerfile is really simple. Try it out now:

docker build -f Dockerfile_slim -t my_docker_image .

This should result in something similar to this:

=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile_slim
=> => transferring dockerfile: 1.88kB
=> [internal] load .dockerignore
=> => transferring context: 2B
=> [internal] load metadata for
=> [auth] library/ubuntu:pull token for
=> [1/5] FROM
=> CACHED [2/5] WORKDIR /course
=> CACHED [3/5] RUN apt-get update &&     apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends bzip2                                                ca-certificates
=> CACHED [4/5] RUN curl -L -O &&   h -bf -p /usr/miniconda3
=> CACHED [5/5] RUN conda config --add channels bioconda     && conda config --add channels conda-forge     && conda config --set channel_priority strict     && conda instal
=> exporting to image
=> => exporting layers
=> => writing image sha256:d14301f829d4554816df54ace927ec0aaad4a994e028371455f7a18a370f6af9
=> => naming to

Exactly how the output looks depends on which version of Docker you are using. The -f flag sets which Dockerfile to use and -t tags the image with a name. This name is how you will refer to the image later. Lastly, the . is the path to where the image should be build (. means the current directory). This had no real impact in this case, but matters if you want to import files. Validate with docker image ls that you can see your new image.

TP : Creating your own Dockerfile#

Now it's time to make our own Dockerfile to reproduce the results from the Conda tutorial. If you haven't done the tutorial, it boils down to creating a Conda environment file, setting up that environment, downloading three RNA-seq data files, and running FastQC on those files. We will later package and run the whole RNA-seq workflow in a Docker container, but for now we keep it simple to reduce the size and time required.

The Conda tutorial uses a shell script,, for downloading and running the analysis. A copy of this file should also be available in your current directory. If we want to use the same script we need to include it in the image. So, this is what we need to do:

  1. Create the file Dockerfile_conda.

  2. Set FROM to the image we just built.

  3. Install the required packages with Conda. We could do this by adding environment.yml from the Conda tutorial. Chanels needed for conda are already included into the Dockerfile_slim, we can directly install fastqc=0.11.9 and sra-tools=2.11.0 with mamba install. The packages will be installed to the default environment named base inside the container.

  4. Add to the image by using the COPY instruction. The syntax is COPY source target, so in our case simply COPY . to copy to the work directory in the image.

  5. Set the default command for the image to bash, which will execute the shell script.

Try to add required lines to Dockerfile_conda. If it seems overwhelming you can take a look at an example below:

Click to show the solution
FROM my_docker_image:latest
RUN mamba install -n base fastqc=0.11.9 
RUN mamba install -n base sra-tools=2.11.0
CMD bash

Build the image and tag it my_docker_conda:

docker build -t my_docker_conda -f Dockerfile_conda .

Verify that the image was built using docker image ls.

Quick recap

In this section we've learned:

  • How the keywords FROM, LABEL, MAINTAINER, RUN, ENV, SHELL, WORKDIR, and CMD can be used when writing a Dockerfile.
  • The importance of letting each layer in the Dockerfile be a "logical unit".
  • How to use docker build to construct and tag an image from a Dockerfile.
  • How to create your own Dockerfile.