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Day 1#

Time Topic
09:00 Setting up
10:00 Introduction to Reproducible Research
10:30 Break
10:45 Data management and project organization
11:15 Break-out rooms and ice breaker session
11:30 Distributing and version tracking your code
- Introduction to version control and Git
- Practical tutorial: Git
12:00 Lunch
13:30 ... continued: Git tutorial
15:00 Wrap-up Git tutorial
15:15 Break
15:30 Master your dependencies - environments and reproducibility
- Introduction to the package and environment manager Conda
- Practical tutorial: Conda
17:15 Wrap up: Conda tutorial

Day 2#

Time Topic
09:00 Organize your analysis using workflow managers
- Introduction to Snakemake
- Practical tutorial: Snakemake
10:30 Break
10:45 ... continued: Snakemake tutorial
12:00 Lunch
13:30 ... continued: Snakemake tutorial
14:45 Wrap-up Snakemake tutorial
15:00 Organize your analysis using workflow managers
- Introduction to Nextflow
- Practical tutorial: Nextflow
15:45 Break
16:00 Containerization
- Introduction to containers
- Practical tutorial: Containers
17:45 Wrap-up

Day 3#

Time Topic
09:00 ... continued: Containers
10:15 Break
10:30 Computational notebooks and reproducible reports
- Introduction to R Markdown
- Practical tutorial: R Markdown
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Computational notebooks and reproducible reports
- Introduction to Jypyter
- Practical tutorial: Jupyter
14:15 Computational notebooks and reproducible reports
- Introduction to Quarto
- Practical tutorial: Quarto
15:00 Break
15:15 Wrap-up - Computational notebooks and reproducible reports
15:30 Putting the pieces together
- How to put all the tools and procedures together
- How to implement these procedures on a day-to-day basis
16:30 End of the course!

The above schedule is approximate; variations may occur.