
Jupyter Notebook extensions are add-ons that can increase the functionality of your notebooks. These were installed in the setup section for this tutorial by including the jupyter_contrib_nbextensions package in the conda environment file. You can read more about the extensions here.

To manage extensions go to the Jupyter dashboard in your browser and click the Nbextensions tab. You should see something similar to this:

Clicking an extension in the list displays more information about it. To enable/disable extensions simply click the checkbox next to the extension name in the list. Some useful extensions include

  • Hide input all, which allows you to hide all code cells with the click of a button.

  • Collapsible Headings, which allows you to collapse sections below markdown headings to increase readability.

  • Table of Contents (2), which adds a table of contents to the notebook making navigation a lot quicker especially for long notebooks.

Feel free to peruse the list and find your own favourites! Keep in mind that these are unofficial, community-contributed extensions and as such they come with few, if any, guarantees.

Quick recap

In this section we've learned:

  • What Jupyter extensions are and how to enable/disable them