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The MRSA case study

As you might remember from the intro, we are attempting to understand how lytic bacteriophages can be used as a future therapy for the multiresistant bacteria MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). We have already seen how to define the project environment in the Conda tutorial and how to set up the workflow in the Snakemake tutorial. Here we explore the results from the Snakemake tutorial and generate a Supplementary Material file with some basic stats.

In the training-reproducible-research/tutorials/jupyter/ directory you will find a notebook called supplementary_material.ipynb. Open this notebook with Jupyter by running:

jupyter notebook supplementary_material.ipynb


Using what you've learned about markdown in notebooks, add headers and descriptive text to subdivide sections as you add them. This will help you train how to structure and keep note of your work with a notebook.

You will see that the notebook contains only a little markdown text and a code cell with a function get_geodata. We'll start by adding a cell with some import statements.

Run the cell with the get_geodata function and add a new cell directly after it. Then add the following to the new cell:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

This imports the pandas (for working with tables), seaborn and matplotlib.pyplot (for plotting) and numpy (for numerical operations) Python modules.

Also add:

import matplotlib_inline
matplotlib_inline.backend_inline.set_matplotlib_formats('pdf', 'svg')

to set high-quality output for plots.

Run the cell and create a new one below it.

In the next cell we'll define some parameters to use for the notebook:


As you can see we add paths to results files and define lists with some sample IDS. Run this cell and add a new one below it.

Next, we'll fetch some sample information from NCBI using the get_geodata function defined at the start of the notebook and collate it into a dataframe.

id_df = pd.DataFrame(data=GSM_IDs, index=SRR_IDs, columns=["geo_accession"])
geo_df = get_geodata(GEO_ID)
name_df = pd.merge(id_df, geo_df, left_on="geo_accession", right_index=True)
# Create a dictionary to rename sample ids in downstream plots
name_dict = name_df.to_dict()

Run the cell and take a look at the contents of the name_df dataframe (e.g. run a cell with that variable only to output it below the cell).

Now we'll load some statistics from the QC part of the workflow, specifically the 'general_stats' file from multiqc. Add the following to a new cell and run it:

qc = pd.read_csv(multiqc_file, sep="\t")
qc.rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace("FastQC_mqc-generalstats-fastqc-", "").replace("_", " "), inplace=True)
qc = pd.merge(qc, name_df, left_on="Sample", right_index=True)

In the code above we load the multiqc file, rename the columns by stripping the FastQC_mqc-generalstats-fastqc- part from column names and replace underscores with spaces. Finally the table is merged with the information obtained in the step above and output to show summary statistics from the QC stage.

Next it's time to start loading gene count results from the workflow. Start by reading the counts and summary results, then edit the columns and index:

# Read count data
counts = pd.read_csv(counts_file, sep="\t", header=0, comment="#", index_col=0)
# Read summary data
counts_summary = pd.read_csv(summary_file, sep="\t", index_col=0)
# Rename columns to extract SRR ids
counts.rename(columns = lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].replace(".sorted.bam",""), inplace=True)
counts_summary.rename(columns = lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].replace(".sorted.bam",""), inplace=True)

Take a look at the counts dataframe to get an idea of the data structure. As you can see the dataframe shows genes as rows while the columns shows various information such as start and stop, strand and length of the genes. The last three columns contain counts of the genes in each of the samples.

If you have a look at the counts_summary dataframe you will see statistics from the read assignment step, showing number of reads that could be properly assigned as well as number of reads that could not be assigned to genes for various reasons.

Now let's generate a barplot of the summary statistics. Before we plot, we'll remove rows that have only zero values:

# Remove rows with only zero values
summary_plot_data = counts_summary.loc[counts_summary.sum(axis=1)>0]

Now for the plotting:

# Set color palette to 'Set2'
colors = sns.color_palette("Set2")
# Create a stacked barplot
ax = summary_plot_data.T.plot(kind="bar", stacked=True, color=colors)
# Move legend and set legend title
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), title="Category");

The final plot will be a heatmap of gene counts for a subset of the genes. We'll select genes whose standard deviation/mean count across samples is greater than 1.5, and have a maximum of at least 5 reads in 1 or more sample:

# Slice the dataframe to only sample counts
count_data = counts.loc[:, SRR_IDs]
# Filter to genes with std/mean > 1.2 and with a max of at least 5
heatmap_data = count_data.loc[(count_data.std(axis=1).div(count_data.mean(axis=1))>1.2)&(count_data.max(axis=1)>5)]

We'll also replace the SRR ids with the title of samples used in the study, using the name_dict dictionary created further up in the notebook:

heatmap_data = heatmap_data.rename(columns = name_dict['title'])

Now let's plot the heatmap. We'll log-transform the counts, set color scale to Blue-Yellow-Red and cluster both samples and genes using 'complete' linkage clustering:

with sns.plotting_context("notebook", font_scale=0.7):
    ax = sns.clustermap(data=np.log10(heatmap_data+1), cmap="RdYlBu_r",
                        method="complete", yticklabels=True, linewidth=.5,
                        cbar_pos=(.7, .85, .05, .1), figsize=(3,9))
    plt.setp(ax.ax_heatmap.get_xticklabels(), rotation=270)

In the code above we use the seaborn plotting_context function to scale all text elements of the heatmap in one go.

As a final step we'll add some info for reproducibility under the Reproducibility section. To add the overview image of the workflow found in results/rulegraph.png we can use the Image function from IPython.display:

from IPython.display import Image

Let's also output the full conda environment so that all packages and versions are included in the notebook. There are several ways this can be done, for example you could simply add:

!conda list

to the end of the notebook.


If you want to know more about how notebooks can be integrated into Snakemake worfklows, see the Extra material at the end of this tutorial

Sharing your work#

The files you're working with come from a GitHub repo. Both GitHub and Bitbucket can render Jupyter notebooks as well as other types of Markdown documents. Now go to our GitHub repo at and navigate to tutorials/jupyter/supplementary_material.ipynb.

As you can imagine, having this very effortless way of sharing results can greatly increase the visibility of your work. You work as normal on your project, and push regularly to the repository as you would anyways, and the output is automatically available for anyone to see. Or for a select few if you're not ready to share your findings with the world quite yet.

Say your notebook isn't on Github/Bitbucket. All hope isn't lost there. provides a neat functionality called nbviewer, where you can paste a URL to any notebook and they will render it for you. Go to and try this out with our notebook.

Shared interactive notebooks#

So far we've only shared static representations of notebooks. A strong trend at the moment is to run your notebooks in the cloud, so that the person you want to share with could actually execute and modify your code. This is a great way of increasing visibility and letting collaborators or readers get more hands-on with your data and analyses. From a reproducibility perspective, there are both advantages and drawbacks. On the plus side is that running your work remotely forces you to be strict when it comes to defining the environment it uses (probably in the form of a Conda environment or Docker image). On the negative side is that you become reliant on a third-party service that might change input formats, go out of business, or change payment model.

Here we will try out a service called Binder, which lets you run and share Jupyter Notebooks in Git repositories for free. There are a number of example repositories that are setup to be used with Binder. Navigate to to see one such example. As you can see the repository contains a LICENSE file, a README, an environment file and a notebook. To use a repository with Binder the environment file should contain all the packages needed to run notebooks in the repo. So let's try to run the index.ipynb file using Binder:

Just go to and paste the link to the GitHub repo. Note the link that you can use to share your notebook. Then press "launch".

What will happen now is that:

  • Binder detects the environment.yml file in the root of the repo. Binder then builds a Docker image based on the file. This might take a minute or two. You can follow the progress in the build log.
  • Binder then launches the Jupyter Notebook server in the Docker container..
  • ..and opens a browser tab with it for you.

Once the process is finished you will be presented with a Jupyter server overview of the contents in the repository. Click on the index.ipynb notebook to open it. Tada! You are now able to interact with (and modify) someone else's notebook online.

Applied to your own projects you now have a way to run analyses in the cloud and in an environment that you define yourself. All that's needed for someone to replicate your analyses is that you share a link with them. Note that notebooks on Binder are read-only; its purpose is for trying out and showing existing notebooks rather than making new ones.


By default Binder looks for configuration files such as environment.yml in the root of the repository being built. But you may also put such files outside the root by making a binder/ folder in the root and placing the file there.

A note on transparency

Resources like Github/Bitbucket and Jupyter Notebooks have changed the way we do scientific research by encouraging visibility, social interaction and transparency. It was not long ago that the analysis scripts and workflows in a lab were well-guarded secrets that we only most reluctantly shared with others. Assuming that it was even possible. In most cases, the only postdoc who knew how to get it to work had left for a new position in industry, or no one could remember the password to the file server. If you're a PhD student, we encourage you to embrace this new development wholeheartedly, for it will make your research better and make you into a better scientist. And you will have more fun.

Quick recap

In this section we've learned:

  • How notebooks can be used to generate summary statistics and plots using the results of a workflow run
  • How to share notebooks via nbviewer and Binder