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We'll start by creating a very simple workflow from scratch, to show how Nextflow works: it will take two input files and convert them to UPPERCASE letters.

  • Start by running the following commands:
echo "This is a.txt" > a.txt
echo "This is b.txt" > b.txt

Open the file with an editor of your choice. This is the main workflow file used in Nextflow, where workflows and their processes are defined.

  • Copy the following code into your file:
// Enable DSL2 functionality
nextflow.enable.dsl = 2

// Workflow definition
workflow {
    // Define input files
    ch_input = Channel.fromPath("a.txt")

    // Run workflow

// Process definition
    publishDir "results/", mode: "copy"



    tr [a-z] [A-Z] < ${file} > a.upper.txt

Here we have three separate parts. The first part enables the DSL2 (Domain Specific Language 2) functionality, and is required to use some of the newer and more powerful features of Nextflow. The next part is the workflow definition, while the last is a process. Let's go through the last two in more detail!

Nextflow comments
Double-slashes (//) are used for comments in Nextflow.

Nextflow and whitespace
Nextflow is not indentation-sensitive. In fact, Nextflow doesn't care at all about whitespace, so go ahead and use it in whatever manner you think is easiest to read and work with! Do keep in mind that indentations and other types of whitespace does improve readability, so it's generally not a good idea to forego it entirely, even though you can.

Workflow definitions#

The workflow definition here has two parts, each doing an important job for any Nextflow workflow. The first part defines a channel, which is an asynchronous first-in-first-out stream of data that connect a workflow's various inputs and outputs. In this particular case, we define a Channel using the .fromPath channel factory on the specific file path a.txt, and name the channel ch_input. You can read this as "create the channel ch_input and send the file a.txt into it".

Naming channels
A channel can be named anything you like, but it is good practice to prepend them with ch_, as that makes it clear which variables are channels and which are just normal variables.

How do we use these channels then? Channels pass data to and from processes through our workflow. By providing channels as arguments to processes, we describe how we want data to flow. This is exactly what we do in the second part: we call our CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE process with the ch_input as input argument - this is very similar to functional programming.

This is our entire workflow, for now: the creation of a channel followed by using the contents of that channel as input to a single process. Let's look at how processes themselves are defined!

Process definitions#

Looking at the process in the code above, we can see several parts. The process block starts with its name, in this case CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE, followed by several sections: publishDir, input, output and script.

Naming processes
A process can be named using any case, but a commonly used convention is to use UPPERCASE letters for processes to visually distinguish them in the workflow. You do not have to follow this if you don't want to, but we do so here.

Let's ignore the first section for now and focus on the last three. The input and output sections describe the data expected to come through the channel for this specific process. Each line of input describes the data expected for each process argument, in the order used in the workflow. In this case, CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE expects a single channel (one line of input), and expects the data to be filenames (of type path). Notice that there is a difference between how the inputs and outputs are declared? The output is an explicit string (i.e surrounded by quotes), while the input is a variable named file. This means inputs can be referenced in the process without naming the data explicitly, unlike the output where the name needs to be explicit. We'll get back to exactly how this works in just a moment.

Let's move on to the first section: publishDir. This tells Nextflow where the output of the process should be stored when it is finished; setting mode to "copy" just means that we want to copy the output files to the publishing directory, rather than using a symbolic link (which is the default).

Executing workflows#

Let's try running the workflow we just created!

  • Type the following in your terminal:
nextflow run

This will make Nextflow run the workflow specified in your file. You should see something along these lines:

N E X T F L O W  ~  version 21.04.0
Launching `./` [mad_legentil] - revision: 87f0c253ed
executor >  local (1)
[32/9124a1] process > CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE (1) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

The first few lines are information about this particular run, including the Nextflow version used, which workflow definition file was used, a randomly generated run name (an adjective and a scientist), the revision ID as well as where the processes were executed (locally, in this case).

What follows next is a list of all the various processes for this particular workflow. The order does not necessarily reflect the order of execution (depending on each process’ input and output dependencies), but they are in the order they were defined in the workflow file - there's only the one process here, of course. The first part (e.g [32/9124a1]) is the process ID, which is also the first part of the subdirectory in which the process is run (before the outputs are transferred to the publish directory). We then get the process and its name. Lastly, we get how many instances of each process are currently running or have finished. Here we only have the one process, of course, but this will soon change.

  • Let's check that everything worked: type ls results/ and see that it contains the output we expected.

  • Let's explore the working directory: change into whatever directory is specified by the process ID (your equivalent to work/32/9124a1[...]).

What do you see when you list the contents of this directory? You should, hopefully, see a symbolic link named a.txt pointing to the real location of this file, plus a normal file a.upper.txt, which is the output of the process that was run in this directory. While it seems cumbersome to manually move into these work directories it is something you only do when debugging errors in your workflow, and Nextflow has some tricks to make this process a lot easier - more on this later.

So, how does this all work? Well, we have three components: a set of inputs, a set of processes and a workflow that defines which processes should be run. We tell Nextflow to push the inputs through the entire workflow, so to speak.

  • Now it's your turn! Move back to the workflow root and make it use only the b.txt input file and give you the b.upper.txt instead.

  • Run your workflow and make sure it works before you move on.

Files and sample names#

Having to manually change inputs and outputs like you just did is not really ideal, is it? Hard-coding outputs is rarely good, so let's try to change that. One powerful feature of Nextflow is that it can handle complex data structures as input, and not only filenames. One strategy we can follow is to create a prefix for our output and pass it together with the filename.

  • Change the channel definition to the following:
ch_input = Channel
    .map{ file -> tuple(file.getBaseName(), file) }

Okay, so what does that do, exactly? Well, the added line containing the .map{} statement changes the data stream to be [prefix, file] instead of just [file] - we generate the prefix from the base name of the file itself, i.e. the file without extension or directory. We now have to change the process itself to make use of this new information contained in the ch_input channel.

  • Change the process definition to the following:
    publishDir "results/", mode: "copy"

    tuple val(prefix), path(file)


    tr [a-z] [A-Z] < ${file} > ${prefix}.upper.txt

Notice how the input now is aware that we're passing a tuple as input, which allows us to use both the file variable (as before) and the new prefix variable. All that's left now is to change the input to our pipeline!

  • Change the channel definition line from .fromPath("a.txt") to .fromPath(["a.txt", "b.txt"]) and try running the pipeline. Make sure it works before you move on!

Adding more processes#

It's time to add more processes to our workflow! We have the two files a.upper.txt and b.upper.txt; the next part of the workflow is a step that concatenates the content of all these UPPERCASE files.

We already have a channel containing the two files we need: the output of the CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE process called CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE.out. We can use this output as input to a new process using the syntax: CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE.out.collect(). The collect() operator, groups all the outputs in the channel into a single data object for the next process. This is a many-to-one type of operation: a stream with several files (many) is merged into a lone list of files (one). If collect() was not used, the next process would try to run a task for each file in the output channel.

Let's put this in use by adding a new process to the workflow definition. We'll call this process CONCATENATE_FILES and it will take the output from CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE as input, grouped using the collect() operator.

  • Add a line to your workflow definition for this new process with the appropriate input - click below if you're having trouble.
Click to show the solution

Now all we have to do is define the actual CONCATENATE_FILES process in the process definition section.

  • Copy the following code as a new process into your workflow:
    publishDir "results/", mode: "copy"



    cat ${files} > concat.txt

Run your workflow again and check the results/ directory. At this point you should have three files there: a.upper.txt, b.upper.txt and concat.txt.

  • Inspect the contents of concat.txt - do you see everything as you expected?

Note the use of path(files) as input. Although we pass a list of files as input, the list is considered a single object, and so the files variable references a list. Each file in that list can be individually accessed using an index e.g. ${files[0]}, or as we do here, use the variable without an index to list all the input files.

Viewing channel contents#

As our channels become more complicated it is useful to actually check out what's inside them: you can do this using the .view() operator.

  • Add the following to your workflow definition (on a new line) and execute the workflow: ch_input.view(). What do you see?

It can be quite useful to inspect channel contents like this when you are developing workflows, especially if you are working with tuples, maps and any transforming operators in general.

  • Check the channel contents of the (1) raw and (2) collected output of the CONVERT_TO_UPPER_CASE process. How are they different?

Quick recap

In this section we've learnt:

  • How to create and extend simple Nextflow workflows
  • How to create channels for input data
  • How to execute workflows
  • How to explore Nextflow's work directory
  • How to generalize workflows
  • How to view channel contents