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There are many more things you can do with Nextflow than covered here. If you are interested to learn more details about Nextflow, we will briefly show some of its advanced features in this section. But first, here are some links to additional resources on Nextflow:

Using containers in Nextflow#

Nextflow has built-in support for using both Docker and Singularity containers (and others too), either with a single container for the workflow as a whole or separate containers for each individual process. The simplest way to do it is to have a single container for your entire workflow, in which case you simply run the workflow and specify the image you want to use, like so:

# Run with docker
nextflow run -with-docker [image]

# Run with Singularity
nextflow run -with-singularity [image].sif

If you don't want to supply this at every execution, you can also add it directly to your configuration file:

# Docker configuration
process.container = 'image'
docker.enabled = true

# Singularity configuration
process.container = 'path/to/image.sif'
singularity.enabled = true

If you instead would like to have each process use a different container you can use the container directive in your processes:

process PROCESS_01 {
    container: 'image_01'

process PROCESS_02 {
    container: 'image_02'

Regardless of which solution you go for, Nextflow will execute all the processes inside the specified container. In practice, this means that Nextflow will automatically wrap your processes and run them by executing the Docker or Singularity command with the image you have provided.

Using Conda in Nextflow#

While you can execute Nextflow inside Conda environments just like you would any other type of software, you can also use Conda with Nextflow in the same way as for Docker and Singularity above. You can either supply an environment.yml file, the path to an existing environment or the packages and their versions directly in the conda directive, like so:

process PROCESS_01 {
    conda: 'mrsa-environment.yml'
process PROCESS_02 {
    conda: 'path/to/mrsa-env'
process PROCESS_03 {
    conda: 'bioconda::bwa=0.7.17 bioconda::samtools=1.13'

You can use either of the methods described above with your configuration file as well, here exemplified using an environment.yml file:

process.conda = 'mrsa-environment.yml'

Running Nextflow on HPC#

A lot of researchers use HPC cluster, which is easily handled by Nextflow. What you need to do is to add an appropriate profile to your nextflow.config file. Example for iTrop:

profiles {

    // Itrop general profile
    itrop {
        process {
            executor       = 'slurm'
            clusterOptions = "-A '${params.account}'"
            memory         = { 6.GB * task.attempt }
            cpus           = { 1 * task.attempt }
            time           = { 10.h * task.attempt }
            scratch        = '/scracth/$USER'
            errorStrategy  = 'retry'
            maxRetries     = 1

This will add a profile to your workflow, which you can access by running the workflow with -profile itrop. You can leave the profile as-is, unless you want to tinker with e.g. compute resource specifications. That's all you need! Nextflow will take care of communications with SLURM (the system used by iTrop, specified by the executor line) and will send off jobs to the cluster for you, and everything will look exactly the same way as if you were executing the pipeline locally.

The memory, cpus and time lines define the various resources Nextflow will use as well as how much to automatically increase them by if re-trying failed tasks; this, in turn, is specified by the errorStrategy and maxRetries variables. The scratch defines where each node's local storage is situated, which gives Nextflow the most optimal access to the cluster file system for temporary files.

Advanced channel creation#

The input data shown in the MRSA example workflow is not that complex, but Nextflow channels can do much more than that. A common scenario in high-throughput sequencing is that you have pairs of reads for each sample. Nextflow has a special, built-in way to create channels for this data type: the fromFilePairs channel factory:

    .fromFilePairs ( "data/*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz" )
    .set           { ch_raw_reads }

This will create a channel containing all the reads in the data/ directory in the format <sample>_R1.fastq.gz and <sample>_R2.fastq.gz and will pair them together into a nested tuple looking like this:

[sample, [data/sample_R1.fastq.gz, data/sample_R2.fastq.gz]]

The first element of the tuple ([0]) thus contains the value sample, while the second element ([1]) contains another tuple with paths to both read files. This nested tuple can be passed into processes for e.g. read alignment, and it makes the entire procedure of going from read pairs (i.e. two separate files, one sample) into a single alignment file (one file, one sample) very simple. For more methods of reading in data see the Nextflow documentation on Channel Factories.

We can also do quite advanced things to manipuate data in channels, such as this:

    .fromPath ( params.metadata )
    .splitCsv ( sep: "\t", header: true )
    .map      { row -> tuple("${row.sample_id}", "${row.treatment}") }
    .filter   { id, treatment -> treatment != "DMSO" }
    .unique   (  )
    .set      { samples_and_treatments }

That's a bit of a handful! But what does it do? The first line specifies that we want to read some data from a file specified by the metadata parameter, and the second line actually reads that data using tab as delimiter, including a header. The map operator takes each entire row and subsets it to only two columns: the sample_id and treatment columns. This subset is stored as a tuple. The filter operator is then used to remove any tuples where the second entry, treatment, is not equal to the string "DMSO" (i.e. untreated cells, in this example). We then only take the unique tuples and set the results as the new channel samples_and_treatments. Let's say that this is the metadata we're reading:

sample_id     dose    group     treatment
sample_1      0.1     control   DMSO
sample_1      1.0     control   DMSO
sample_1      2.0     control   DMSO
sample_2      0.1     case      vorinostat
sample_2      1.0     case      vorinostat
sample_2      2.0     case      vorinostat 
sample_3      0.1     case      fulvestrant
sample_3      1.0     case      fulvestrant
sample_3      2.0     case      fulvestrant

Given the channel creation strategy above, we would get the following result:

[sample_2, vorinostat]
[sample_3, fulvestrant]

In this way, you can perform complex operations on input files or input metadata and send the resulting content to your downstream processes in a simple way. Composing data manipuations in Nextflow like this can be half the fun of writing the workflow. Check out Nextflow's documentation on Channel operators to see the full list of channel operations at your disposal.

Using Groovy in processes#

You don't have to use bash or external scripts inside your processes all the time unless you want to: Nextflow is based on Groovy, which allows you to use both Groovy and Bash in the same process. For example, have a look at this:

process index_fasta {
    tag "${fasta_name}"

    tuple val(fasta), path(fasta_file)

    path("${fasta_name}.idx"), emit: fasta

    fasta_name = fasta.substring(0, fasta.lastIndexOf("."))
    index --ref ${fasta_file},${fasta_name}

Here we have some command index that, for whatever reason, requires both the path to a FASTA file and the name of that file without the .fasta extension. We can use Groovy in the script directive together with normal Bash, mixing and matching as we like. The first line of the script directive gets the name of the FASTA file without the extension by removing anything after the dot, while the second calls the index command like normal using bash.

The nf-core pipeline collection#

You may have heard of the nf-core pipeline collection previously, which is a large, collaborative bioinformatics community dedicated to building, developing and maintaining Nextflow workflows. In fact, if you have sequenced data at e.g. the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI), you can be sure that the data processing has been run using one of the nf-core pipelines! While the community only started in 2018 (with a Nature Biotechnology paper in 2020), it already has over 30 production-ready pipelines with everything from genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metagenomics - and more being developed all the time.

The nf-core pipelines all work in the same way, in that they have the same exact base for inputs, parameters and arguments, making them all highly similar to run. Since you've already learnt the basics of Nextflow in this course, you should now be able to also run the nf-core pipelines! It might be that you have a data type that you can analyse using one of the pipelines in nf-core, meaning you don't need to do anything other than find out what parameters you should run it with.

Each pipeline comes with extensive documentation, test datasets that you can use to practice on, can be run on both HPCs like iTrop, cloud services like AWS or locally on your own computer. All pipelines support both Conda and Docker/Singularity, and you can additionally run specific versions of the pipelines, allowing for full reproducibility of your analyses. If you want to check nf-core out, simply head over to their list of pipelines and see what's available! Who knows, you might even write your own nf-core pipeline in the future?