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The basics

Quarto & Rstudio#

In this part, we will use Rstudio and create from scratch a new quarto document.


It is necessary to have a recent version of the RStudio IDE (>=v2022.07).

Let's begin with starting RStudio and opening a new file (File --> New File --> Quarto document).

You get this :


But it's like R mardown?! Yes exactly, since one of the objectives of quarto is to replace R markdown !

And like with R markdown, you can click Render button to obtain your output !


A small novelty: the appearance of the visual button to have a more user friendly editor.


Want to know more ? You can go here to follow the Posit tutorial.

Quarto & Jupyter#

One great thing about quarto is that you don't have to learn anything new! There is nothing new about Jupyter to know. Just how to convert it to HTML or whatever with Quarto. Let's play !

Open up a terminal and run these commands to render Jupyter notebook with quarto:

quarto render supplementary_material.ipynb --to html
quarto render supplementary_material.ipynb --to docx

Et voilĂ  !

Want to know more ? You can go here to follow the Posit tutorial.

Quick recap

In this section you learned to:

  • create a quarto document with Rstudio
  • convert a Jupyter Notebook with Quarto