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The MRSA case study

All the work of writing notebooks has already been done in the previous sequences: Rmardown and Jupyter

Here, we're going to see how to use quarto to convert them.


quarto render code/supplementary_material.Rmd --to html
quarto render code/supplementary_material.Rmd --to docx


As indicated in the setup section, the package versions available on conda cause conflicts with Posit. It is possible to run these commands in the conda environment but we had to mount the versions of certain packages in relation to the rmardown TP because of conflicts.


quarto render code/supplementary_material.ipynb --to html
quarto render code/supplementary_material.ipynb --to docx

You're looking at quarto's greatest strength! It can convert Rmd and jupyter notebooks in exactly the same way!

Quick recap

In this section you learned how to render R Markdown documents and Jupyter document using quarto.