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The MRSA case study

As you might remember from the intro, we are attempting to understand how lytic bacteriophages can be used as a future therapy for the multiresistant bacteria MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). In this exercise, we will use R Markdown to make a report in form of a Supplementary Material HTML based on the outputs from the Snakemake tutorial. Among the benefits of having the supplementary material (or even the full manuscript) in R Markdown format are:

  • It is fully transparent how the text, tables and figures were produced.
  • If you get reviewer comments, or realize you've made a mistake somewhere, you can easily update your code and regenerate the document with the push of a button.
  • By making report generation part of your workflow early on in a project, much of the eventual manuscript "writes itself". You no longer first have to finish the research part and then start creating the tables and figures for the paper.

Before you start:

  • Make sure that your working directory in R is training-reproducible-research-area/rmarkdown in the course directory (Session > Set Working Directory).
  • Open the file code/supplementary_material.Rmd.


In this tutorial we have used Conda to install all the R packages we need, so that you get to practice how you can actually do this in projects of your own. You can, however, install things using install.packages() or BiocManager::install() as well, even though this makes it both less reproducible and more complicated in most cases.


Let's start by taking a look at the YAML header at the top of the file. The parameters correspond to files (and sample IDs) that are generated by the MRSA analysis workflow (see the Snakemake tutorial) and contain results that we want to include in the supplementary material document. We've also specified that we want to render to HTML.

title: "Supplementary Materials"
output: html_document
    counts_file: "results/tables/counts.tsv"
    multiqc_file: "intermediate/multiqc_general_stats.txt"
    summary_file: "results/tables/counts.tsv.summary"
    rulegraph_file: "results/rulegraph.png"
    SRR_IDs: "SRR935090 SRR935091 SRR935092"
    GSM_IDs: "GSM1186459 GSM1186460 GSM1186461"
  • From a reproducibility perspective it definitely makes sense to include information about who authored the document and the date it was generated. Add the two lines below to the YAML header. Note that we can include inline R code by using `r some_code`.
author: John Doe, Joan Dough, Jan Doh, Dyon Do
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"


Make it a practice to keep track of all input files and add them as parameters rather than hard-coding them later in the R code.

Next, take a look at the dependencies, read_params, and read_data chunks. They

  1. load the required packages,
  2. read the parameters and store them in R objects to be used later in the code, and
  3. read the data in the counts file, the multiqc file, as well as fetch meta data from GEO. These chunks are provided as is, and you do not need to edit them.

Below these chunks there is some markdown text that contains the Supplementary Methods section. Note the use of section headers using # and ##. Then there is a Supplementary Tables and Figures section. This contains four code chunks, each for a specific table or figure. Have a quick look at the code and see if you can figure out what it does, but don't worry if you can't understand everything.

Finally, there is a Reproducibility section which describes how the results in the report can be reproduced. The session_info chunk prints information regarding R version and which packages and versions that are used. We highly encourage you to include this chunk in all your R Markdown reports: it's an effortless way to increase reproducibility.

Rendering options and paths#

Now that you have had a look at the R Markdown document, it is time to Knit! We will do this from the R terminal (rather than pressing Knit).

rmarkdown::render("code/supplementary_material.Rmd", output_dir = "results")

The reason for this is that we can then redirect the output html file to be saved in the results/ directory.

Normally, while rendering, R code in the Rmd file will be executed using the directory of the Rmd file as working directory (rmarkdown/code in this case). However, it is good practice to write all code as if it would be executed from the project root directory (rmarkdown/ in this case). For instance, you can see that we have specified the files in params with relative paths from the project root directory. To set a different directory as working directory for all chunks one modifies the knit options like this:

knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = '../')

Here we set the working directory to the parent directory of the Rmd file (../), in other words, the project root. Use this rather than setwd() while working with Rmd files.

  • Take a look at the output. You should find the html file in the results directory.

Formatting tables and figures#

You will probably get a good idea of the contents of the file, but the tables look weird and the figures could be better formatted. Let's start by adjusting the figures!

  • Locate the Setup chunk. Here, we have already set echo = FALSE. Let's add some default figure options: fig.height = 6, fig.width = 6, fig.align = 'center'. This will make the figures slightly smaller than default and center them.

  • Knit again, using the same R command as above. Do you notice any difference? Better, but still not perfect!

Let's improve the tables! We have not talked about tables before. There are several options to print tables, here we will use the kable function which is part of the knitr package.

  • Go to the Sample info chunk. Replace the last line, sample_info, with:
  • Knit again and look at the result. You should see a formatted table.
  • The column names can be improved, and we could use a table legend. Change to use the following:
knitr::kable(sample_info, caption = "Sample info",
             col.names = c("SRR", "GEO", "Strain", "Treatment"))
  • Knit and check the result.
  • Try to fix the table in the QC statistics chunk in the same manner. The column names are fine here so no need to change them, but add a table legend: "QC stats from FastQC". Knit and check your results.

Let's move on to the figures!

  • Go to the Counts barplot chunk. To add a figure legend we have to use a chunk option (so not in the same way as for tables). Add the chunk option:
fig.cap = "Counting statistics per sample, in terms of read counts for genes
           and reads not counted for various reasons."
  • Knit and check the outcome!
  • Next, add a figure legend to the figure in the gene-heatmap chunk. Here we can try out the possibility to add R code to generate the legend:
fig.cap = paste0("Expression (log-10 counts) of genes with at least ",
                 max_cutoff, " counts in one sample and a CV>", cv_cutoff, ".")

This will use the cv_cutoff and max_cutoff variables to ensure that the figure legend gives the same information as was used to generate the plot. Note that figure legends are generated after the corresponding code chunk is evaluated. This means we can use objects defined in the code chunk in the legend.

  • Knit and have a look at the results.

The heatmap still looks a bit odd. Let's play with the fig.height and out.height options, like we did above, to scale the figure in a more appropriate way. Add this to the chunk options: fig.height = 10, out.height = "22cm". Knit and check the results. Does it look better now?

  • Now let's add a third figure! This time we will not plot a figure in R, but use an available image file showing the structure of the Snakemake workflow used to generate the inputs for this report. Add a new chunk at the end of the Supplementary Tables and Figures section containing this code:

Knitr paths
Just like for R Markdown paths in general, Knitr needs everything to be relative to the directory in which the .Rmd file is situated. Just like setting the root.dir chunk option can help with this for the overall rendering, the normalizePath() function is needed when using include_graphics() for adding images with Knitr.

  • Also, add the chunk options:
fig.cap = "A rule graph showing the different steps of the bioinformatic
           analysis that is included in the Snakemake workflow."


out.height = "11cm"
  • Knit and check the results.


It is definitely possible to render R Markdown documents as part of a Snakemake or Nextflow workflow. This is something we do for the final version of the MRSA project (in the Containers tutorial). In such cases it is advisable to manage the installation of R and required R packages through your conda environment file and use the rmarkdown::render() command from the shell section of your Snakemake rule or Nexflow process.

Quick recap

In this section you learned some additional details for making nice R Markdown reports in a reproducible research project setting, including setting the root directory, adding tables as well as setting figure and table captions.