Generalizing workflows

It's generally a good idea to separate project-specific parameters from the actual implementation of the workflow. If we want to move all project-specific information to config.yml, and let the Snakefile be a more general RNA-seq analysis workflow, we need the config file to:

  • Specify which samples to run.
  • Specify which genome to align to and where to download its sequence and annotation files.
  • (Any other parameters we might need to make it into a general workflow, e.g. to support both paired-end and single-read sequencing)


Putting all configuration in config.yml will break the generate_rulegraph rule. You can fix it either by replacing --config max_reads=0 with --configfile=config.yml in the shell command of that rule in the Snakefile, or by adding configfile: "config.yml" to the top of the Snakefile (as mentioned in a previous tip).

The first point is straightforward; rather than using SAMPLES = ["..."] in the Snakefile we define it as a parameter in config.yml. You can either add it as a list similar to the way it was expressed before by adding SAMPLES: ["..."] to config.yml, or you can use this yaml notation:

- SRR935090
- SRR935091
- SRR935092

You also have to change the workflow to reference config["sample_ids"] (if using the latter example) instead of SAMPLES, as in:

            sample_id = config["sample_ids"])

Do a dry-run afterwards to make sure that everything works as expected.

The second point is trickier. Writing workflows in Snakemake is quite straightforward when the logic of the workflow is reflected in the file names, i.e. my_sample.trimmed.deduplicated.sorted.fastq, but that isn't always the case. In our case we have the FTP paths to the genome sequence and annotation where the naming doesn't quite fit with the rest of the workflow. The easiest solution is probably to make three parameters to hold these values, say genome_id, genome_fasta_path and genome_gff_path, but we will go for a somewhat more complex but very useful alternative. We want to construct a dictionary where something that will be a wildcard in the workflow is the key and the troublesome name is the value. An example might make this clearer (this is also in config.yml in the finished version of the workflow under tutorials/git/). This is a nested dictionary where "genomes" is a key with another dictionary as value, which in turn has genome ids as keys and so on. The idea is that we have a wildcard in the workflow that takes the id of a genome as value (either "NCTC8325" or "ST398" in this case). The fasta and gff3 paths can then be retrieved based on the value of the wildcard.


Go ahead and add the section above to config.yml.

Let's now look at how to do the mapping from genome id to fasta path in the rule get_genome_fasta. This is how the rule currently looks (if you have added the log section as previously described).

rule get_genome_fasta:
    Retrieve the sequence in fasta format for a genome.
        wget -O {output} -o {log}

We don't want the hardcoded genome id NCTC8325, so replace that with a wildcard, say {genome_id} (remember to add the wildcard to the log: directive as well).

Also change in index_genome to use a wildcard rather than a hardcoded genome id. Here you will run into a complication if you have followed the previous instructions and use the expand() expression. We want the list to expand to ["intermediate/{genome_id}.1.bt2", "intermediate/{genome_id}.2.bt2", ...], i.e. only expanding the wildcard referring to the bowtie2 index. To keep the genome_id wildcard from being expanded we have to "mask" it with double curly brackets: `. In addition, we need to replace the hardcodedintermediate/NCTC8325in the shell directive of the rule with the genome id wildcard. Inside the shell directive the wildcard object is accessed with this syntax:`, so the bowtie2-build command should be:

bowtie2-build tempfile intermediate/{wildcards.genome_id} > {log}

We now need to supply the remote paths to the fasta and gff files for a given genome id. Because we've added this information to the config file we just need to pass it to the rule in some way.

Take a look at the code and get_genome_fasta rule below. Here we have defined a function called get_fasta_path which takes the wildcards object as its only argument. This object allows access to the wildcards values via attributes (here wildcards.genome_id). The function will then look in the nested config dictionary and return the value of the fasta path for the key wildcards.genome_id. In the rule this path is stored in the fasta_path param value and is made available to wget in the shell directive.

def get_fasta_path(wildcards):
    return config["genomes"][wildcards.genome_id]["fasta"]

rule get_genome_fasta:
    Retrieve the sequence in fasta format for a genome.
        fasta_path = get_fasta_path
        wget {params.fasta_path} -O {output} -o {log}

Note that this will only work if the {genome_id} wildcard can be resolved to something defined in the config (currently NCTC8325 or ST398). If you try to generate a fasta file for a genome id not defined in the config Snakemake will complain, even at the dry-run stage.

Now change the get_genome_gff3 rule in a similar manner.

The rules get_genome_fasta, get_genome_gff3 and index_genome can now download and index any genome as long as we provide valid links in the config file.

However, we need to define somewhere which genome id we actually want to use when running the workflow. This needs to be done both in align_to_genome and generate_count_table. Do this by introducing a parameter in config.yml called "genome_id" (you can set it to either NCTC8325 or ST398).

Now we can resolve the genome_id wildcard from the config. See below for an example for align_to_genome. Here the substr wildcard gets expanded from a list while genome_id gets expanded from the config file.

    index = expand("intermediate/{genome_id}.{substr}.bt2",
           genome_id = config["genome_id"],
           substr = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "rev.1", "rev.2"])

Also change the hardcoded genome id in the generate_count_table input in a similar manner.

In general, we want the rules as far downstream as possible in the workflow to be the ones that determine what the wildcards should resolve to. In our case this is align_to_genome and generate_count_table. You can think of it like the rule that really "needs" the file asks for it, and then it's up to Snakemake to determine how it can use all the available rules to generate it. Here the align_to_genome rule says "I need this genome index to align my sample to" and then it's up to Snakemake to determine how to download and build the index.

One last thing is to change the hardcoded NCTC8325 in the shell: directive of align_to_genome. Bowtie2 expects the index name supplied with the -x flag to be without the ".*.bt2" suffix so we can't use -x {input.index}. Instead we'll insert the genome_id directly from the config like this:

    bowtie2 -x intermediate/{config[genome_id]} -U {input[0]} > {output} 2>{log}

Quick recap

In this section we've learned how to generalize a Snakemake workflow with a number of excellent features:

  • A general RNA-seq pipeline which can easily be reused between projects, thanks to clear separation between code and settings.
  • Great traceability due to logs and summary tables.
  • Clearly defined the environment for the workflow using Conda.
  • The workflow is neat and free from temporary files due to using temp() and shadow.
  • A logical directory structure which makes it easy to separate raw data, intermediate files, and results.
  • A project set up in a way that makes it very easy to distribute and reproduce either via Git, Snakemake's --archive option or a Docker image.