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If you want to read more about Snakemake in general you can find several resources here:

Using containers in Snakemake#

Snakemake also supports defining a Singularity or Docker container for each rule (you will have time to work on the Containers tutorial later during the course). Analogous to using a rule-specific Conda environment, specify container: "docker://some-account/rule-specific-image" in the rule definition. Instead of a link to a container image, it is also possible to provide the path to a *.sif file (= a Singularity file). When executing Snakemake, add the --use-singularity flag to the command line. For the given rule, a Singularity container will then be created from the image or Singularity file that is provided in the rule definition on the fly by Snakemake and the rule will be run in this container.

You can find pre-made Singularity or Docker images for many tools on (bioinformatics-specific) or on

Here is an example for a rule and its execution:

rule align_to_genome:
    Align a fastq file to a genome index using Bowtie 2.
    container: "docker://"
        bowtie2 -x intermediate/NCTC8325 -U {input[0]} > {output}

Start your Snakemake workflow with the following command:

snakemake --use-singularity

Feel free to modify the MRSA workflow according to this example. As Singularity is a container software that was developed for HPC clusters, and for example the Mac version is still a beta version, it might not work to run your updated Snakemake workflow with Singularity locally on your computer. In the next section we explain how you can run Snakemake workflows on UPPMAX where Singularity is pre-installed.

Running Snakemake workflows on UPPMAX#

There are several options to execute Snakemake workflows on UPPMAX (a HPC cluster with the SLURM workload manager). In any case, we highly recommend to use a session manager like tmux or screen so that you can run your workflow in a session in the background while doing other things on the cluster or even logging out of the cluster.

Run your workflow in an interactive job#

For short workflows with only a few rules that need the same compute resources in terms of CPU (cores), you can start an interactive job (in your tmux or screen session) and run your Snakemake workflow as you would do that on your local machine. Make sure to give your interactive job enough time to finish running all rules of your Snakemake workflow.

Cluster configuration#

For workflows with long run times and/or where each rule requires different compute resources, Snakemake can be configured to automatically send each rule as a job to the SLURM queue and to track the status of each job.

The relevant parameters for such a cluster configuration are --cluster and --cluster-config, in combination with a cluster.yaml file that specifies default and rule-specific compute resources and your compute account details.

Here is an example for a cluster.yaml file:

# cluster.yaml - cluster configuration file
  account: # fill in your project compute account ID
  partition: core
  time: 01:00:00
  ntasks: 1
  cpus-per-task: 1
### rule-specific resources
  time: 01-00:00:00
  time: 01-00:00:00
  cpus-per-task: 16

Start your Snakemake workflow in a tmux or screen session with the following command:

    -j 10 \
    --cluster-config cluster.yaml \
    --cluster "sbatch \
               -A {cluster.account} \
               -p {cluster.partition} \
               -t {cluster.time} \
               --ntasks {cluster.ntasks} \
               --cpus-per-task {cluster.cpus-per-task}"

The additional parameter -j specifies the number of jobs that Snakemake is allowed to send to SLURM at the same time.

SLURM Profile#

The cluster configuration is actually marked as "deprecated" but still exists side-by-side with the thought to be replacement: profiles. Snakemake profiles can be used to define several options, allowing you to quickly adapt a workflow to different use-cases or to different environments. One such convenient profile is the SLURM profile developed to make a workflow make efficient use of the SLURM workload manager that is used e.g. on Uppmax.

The SLURM Profile needs to be set up with the software cookiecutter which you can install with conda: conda install -c conda-forge cookiecutter.

During the setup of the profile you will be asked for several values for your Profile. To configure the profile to use your account id see Example 1: project setup to use specific slurm account at the profile repository.

Rule-specific resources can be defined in each rule via the resources: directive, for example:

rule align_to_genome:
        runtime = 360
    threads: 10
        aligner -t {threads} -i {input[1]} -x {input[0]} > {output}

Any rule for which runtime is specified in the resources directive will be submitted as one job to the SLURM queue with runtime as the allocated time. Similarly, the number specified in the threads directive will be used as the number of allocated cores.

With this setup you can start the workflow with your SLURM Profile as follows from within a tmux or screen session:

snakemake -j 10 --profile your_profile_name