The basics

In this part of the tutorial we will create a very simple workflow from scratch, in order to show the fundamentals of how Snakemake works. The workflow will take two files as inputs, a.txt and b.txt, and the purpose is to convert the text in the files to upper case and then to concatenate them.

Run the following shell commands. The first one will make an empty file named Snakefile, which will later contain the workflow. The second and third commands generate two files containing some arbitrary text.

touch Snakefile
echo "This is a.txt" > a.txt
echo "This is b.txt" > b.txt

Then open Snakefile in your favorite text editor. A Snakemake workflow is based on rules which take some file(s) as input, performs some type of operation on them, and generate some file(s) as outputs. Here is a very simple rule that produces a.upper.txt as an output, using a.txt as input. Copy this rule to your Snakefile and save it.

rule convert_to_upper_case:
        tr [a-z] [A-Z] < {input} > {output}


Indentation is important in Snakefiles, so make sure that you have the correct number of spaces before input/output/shell and their respective subsections. The number of spaces per level doesn't matter as long as you're consistent. Here we use four, but you could just as well use two for a more compact look. Don't use tabs (unless your editor automatically converts them to spaces).

Rules can be given names, here it's convert_to_upper_case. While rule names are not strictly necessary we encourage you to use them and to make an effort to name your rules in a way that makes it easy to understand the purpose of the rule, as rule names are one of the main ways to interact with the workflow. The shell section (or directive) contains the shell commands that will convert the text in the input file to upper case and send it to the output file. In the shell command string, we can refer to elements of the rule via curly brackets. Here, we refer to the output file by specifying {output} and to the input file by specifying {input}. If you're not very familiar with Bash, this particular command can be read like "send the contents of a.txt to the program tr, which will convert all characters in the set [a-z] to the corresponding character in the set [A-Z], and then send the output to a.upper.txt".

Now let's run our first Snakemake workflow. When a workflow is executed Snakemake tries to generate a set of target files. Target files can be specified via the command line (or, as you will see later, in several other ways). Here we ask Snakemake to make the file a.upper.txt. It's good practice to first run with the flag -n (or --dry-run), which will show what Snakemake plans to do without actually running anything, and you also need to specify how many cores to be used for the workflow with --cores or -c. For now, you only need 1 so set -c 1. You can also use the flag -p, for showing the shell commands that it will execute, and the flag -r for showing the reason for running a specific rule. snakemake --help will show you all available flags.

$ snakemake -n -c 1 -r -p a.upper.txt

Building DAG of jobs...
Job stats:
job                      count    min threads    max threads
---------------------  -------  -------------  -------------
convert_to_upper_case        1              1              1
total                        1              1              1

[Mon Oct 25 16:48:43 2021]
rule convert_to_upper_case:
    input: a.txt
    output: a.upper.txt
    jobid: 0
    reason: Missing output files: a.upper.txt
    resources: tmpdir=/var/folders/p0/6z00kpv16qbf_bt52y4zz2kc0000gp/T

        tr [a-z] [A-Z] < a.txt > a.upper.txt

Job stats:
job                      count    min threads    max threads
---------------------  -------  -------------  -------------
convert_to_upper_case        1              1              1
total                        1              1              1

This was a dry-run (flag -n). The order of jobs does not reflect the order of execution.

You can see that Snakemake plans to run one job: the rule convert_to_upper_case with a.txt as input and a.upper.txt as output. The reason for doing this is that it's missing the file a.upper.txt. Now execute the workflow without the -n flag and check that the contents of a.upper.txt is as expected. Then try running the same command again. What do you see? It turns out that Snakemake only reruns jobs if there have been changes to either the input files, or the workflow itself. This is how Snakemake ensures that everything in the workflow is up to date. We will get back to this shortly.

What if we ask Snakemake to generate the file b.upper.txt?

$ snakemake -n -c 1 -r -p b.upper.txt

Building DAG of jobs...
No rule to produce b.upper.txt (if you use input functions make sure that they don't raise unexpected exceptions).

That didn't work well. We could copy the rule to make a similar one for b.txt, but that would be a bit cumbersome. Here is where named wildcards come in; one of the most powerful features of Snakemake. Simply change the input from input: "a.txt" to input: "{some_name}.txt" and the output to output: "{some_name}.upper.txt". Now try asking for b.upper.txt again.

Tada! What happens here is that Snakemake looks at all the rules it has available (actually only one in this case) and tries to assign values to all wildcards so that the targeted files can be generated. In this case it was quite simple, you can see that it says that wildcards: some_name=b, but for large workflows and multiple wildcards it can get much more complex. Named wildcards is what enables a workflow (or single rules) to be efficiently generalized and reused between projects or shared between people.

It seems we have the first part of our workflow working, now it's time to make the second rule for concatenating the outputs from convert_to_upper_case. The rule structure will be similar; the only difference is that here we have two inputs instead of one. This can be expressed in two ways, either with named inputs like this:

    some_function {input.firstFile} {input.secondFile}

Or with indexes like this:

    some_function {input[0]} {input[1]}


If you have multiple inputs or outputs they need to be delimited with a comma (as seen above). This is a very common mistake when writing Snakemake workflows. The parser will complain, but sometimes the error message can be difficult to interpret.

Now try to construct this rule yourself and name it concatenate_a_and_b. The syntax for concatenating two files in Bash is cat first_file.txt second_file.txt > output_file.txt. Call the output c.txt. Run the workflow in Snakemake and validate that the output looks as expected.

Wouldn't it be nice if our workflow could be used for any files, not just a.txt and b.txt? We can achieve this by using named wildcards (or in other ways as we will discuss later). As we've mentioned, Snakemake looks at all the rules it has available and tries to assign values to all wildcards so that the targeted files can be generated. We therefore have to name the output file in a way so that it also contains information about which input files it should be based on. Try to figure out how to do this yourself. If you're stuck you can look at the spoiler below, but spend some time on it before you look. Also rename the rule to concatenate_files to reflect its new more general use.

Click to show the solution
rule concatenate_files:
        cat {input[0]} {input[1]} > {output}

We can now control which input files to use by the name of the file we ask Snakemake to generate. Run the workflow without the flag -n (or --dry-run) to execute both rules, providing one core with -c 1 (or --cores 1):

$ snakemake a_b.txt -c 1

Building DAG of jobs...
Using shell: /bin/bash
Provided cores: 1 (use --cores to define parallelism)
Rules claiming more threads will be scaled down.
Job stats:
job                      count    min threads    max threads
---------------------  -------  -------------  -------------
concatenate_files            1              1              1
convert_to_upper_case        2              1              1
total                        3              1              1

Select jobs to execute...

[Mon Oct 25 16:51:52 2021]
rule convert_to_upper_case:
    input: b.txt
    output: b.upper.txt
    jobid: 2
    wildcards: some_name=b
    resources: tmpdir=/var/folders/p0/6z00kpv16qbf_bt52y4zz2kc0000gp/T

[Mon Oct 25 16:51:53 2021]
Finished job 2.
1 of 3 steps (33%) done
Select jobs to execute...

[Mon Oct 25 16:51:53 2021]
rule convert_to_upper_case:
    input: a.txt
    output: a.upper.txt
    jobid: 1
    wildcards: some_name=a
    resources: tmpdir=/var/folders/p0/6z00kpv16qbf_bt52y4zz2kc0000gp/T

[Mon Oct 25 16:51:53 2021]
Finished job 1.
2 of 3 steps (67%) done
Select jobs to execute...

[Mon Oct 25 16:51:53 2021]
rule concatenate_files:
    input: a.upper.txt, b.upper.txt
    output: a_b.txt
    jobid: 0
    wildcards: first=a, second=b
    resources: tmpdir=/var/folders/p0/6z00kpv16qbf_bt52y4zz2kc0000gp/T

[Mon Oct 25 16:51:53 2021]
Finished job 0.
3 of 3 steps (100%) done



You can name a file whatever you want in a Snakemake workflow, but you will find that everything falls into place much nicer if the filename reflects the file's path through the workflow, e.g. sample_a.trimmed.deduplicated.sorted.bam.

Quick recap

In this section we've learned:

  • How a simple Snakemake rule looks.
  • How to define target files when executing a workflow.
  • How to use named wildcards for writing generic and flexible rules.