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How to run an IFB cloud appliance


  1. You need an account on the IFB could. If you don’t have any please refer to the following documentation: How to create an account on the IFB cloud

IFB cloud appliance start

1) Look for your appliance

IFB catalogue

2) Configure your VM with the adapted size

Click on advanced deployment then choose the corresponding amount of CPU and RAM needed for your purpose (e.g. Eugene-EP 8 CPU et 32 Go de RAM).

IFB cloud appliance connection

1) Look for your VM

Click on myVM tab, wait for the deployment to finish corectly (green light), then click on the interrogation point in order to obtain the IP address of your VM

IFB cloud

2) Connect to your VM

SIDIBEB_ST-J058:~ SIDIBEBOCS$ ssh -Y root@
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-104-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:

75 packages can be updated.
1 update is a security update.

*** System restart required ***

First, make sure you are root user (sudo su)

Then, read the readme file ReadmeEugen.txt and ReadmeBUSCO.txt for more details on running eugen-EP and BUSCO (/root)

You will find sequence data to try Eugene-EP, located at /root

If you need to launch myGenomeBrowser, run the script (/root) (login/password generated)

Then, type 'firefox &' to start the firefox browser (You must have used the -XY arguments in your ssh connection)

Finally, enter the following URL in firefox to connect to the MyGenomeBrowser portal: http://localhost/myGenomeBrowser

And use the login and password provided in the terminal to log in to myGenomeBrowser

Last login: Fri Sep  7 15:18:07 2018 from
root@machine1a957191-dcc3-4d5e-83d7-e97d29f17266:~# ls
bank_tair  input_dir  output_dir  ReadmeBusco.txt  ReadmeEugen.txt  work_dir

In case of problem write to